My Best Friend | Jacqui Somerville

2020 March 26

Created by Jacqui 4 years ago

Christine and I went to the same primary and secondary schools. Although she was 2 years above me, we knew each other. It was when we met again at Dunearn Primary School that we really became friends. Christine was a great classroom assistant and we shared many fond memories.

She did absolutely everything for my wedding to Bill, including hand making all the stationery and trailing the Edinburgh shops with me to find an outfit. Christine was the best maid of honour ever.

 She probably knew me better than anyone else as I told her everything. We spoke to each other almost every night for at least an hour and there are still so many things I want to tell her.

You went too soon, Christine and at a terrible time. I will never get used to not having you here. You will always live on in my memory.